Premix with services to ensure performances in breeding

For feed manufacturers

  • Premix: inclusion rate from 0.1 to 2% in complete feed according to the composition
  • Specifics raw materials
  • Additives: prebiotics, probiotics, enzyms, plant extracts
  • Additives’ dilution: the additives can be diluted to help their use in factory

For distributors, production organizations, veterinaries

  • Personalized nutritional specialities: mix of additives which can be incorporated in the feed or distributed directly in farm, for continuous use in the diet or cures
  • Formulation
  • Proposed with services: analysis, global technical support, marketing support

For home mixing farmers

  • Minerals and vitamins complements: inclusion from 2 to 3.5 % in the finished feed, including synthetic amino acids and mineral sources

Customized premix and specialities

Solutions validated on trial houses

A team of nutritionnists

I-Farm: a web tool to analyse performances

Dietary strategies

recherche innovation premix

Piglet program

To feed without antibiotics: prevention of digestive disorders and performance
  • Nutritional solutions (Florplus, Assymil, …)
To feed piglets from birth to fattening
  • Continuity between foods under the mother, 1st and 2nd age: additives and sources of proteins, energy, fibers
analyse innovation expertise

Growing pig program

To guarantee fattening performance
  • We optimize the cost of the kilogram of grow
  • We adapt the formulation strategy to the pricing context of raw materials and to animals genetic profile


To improve the product quality
  • Formulation and additive solutions to meet the demand of transformers and consumers


solutions nutritionelles innovantes

Sow program

To maximize prolificacy potential of the sow according to its genetic
  • Peri IA: to promote embryo implantation (intake of trace elements and essential vitamins of group B)
  • End of gestation: to cover the protein requirement related to fetal growth (bi-phase strategy)
  • Parturition: to ensure the tonicity of the sow, the vigor of the piglets and the rise in milk (Tonipart, Tonilax, Nutrilax, …)
  • Lactation: to maximize milk production and prepare for future breeding (balanced formulation)


To prepare future reproducers
  • We formulate and provide nutritional elements to promote the longevity of the career
All our solutions are infinitely customizable according to your needs. We adapt the doses and recipes to propose tailor mades products for your market. To make us your request or to have more information on our existing solutions contact us!