Premix with services to ensure performances in breeding

For feed manufacturers

  • Premix: inclusion rate from 0.05 to 1% in complete feed according to the composition
  • Specific raw materials
  • Additives: prebiotics, probiotics, enzyms, plant extracts
  • Additives’ dilution: the additives can be diluted to help their use in factory


For distributors, production organizations, veterinaries

  • Personalized nutritional specialities: mix of additives which can be incorporated in the feed or distributed directly in farm, for continuous use in the diet or cures
  • Formulation
  • Proposed with services: analysis, global technical support, marketing support


For home mixing farmers

  • Minerals and vitamins complements: inclusion from 2 to 4 % in the finished feed, including synthetic amino acids and mineral sources

Customized premix and specialities

Solutions validated in trial houses

A team of nutritionnists

I-Farm: a web tool to analyse performances

Dietary strategies

Our premixes meet the various specifications (Standard, Certified, Label, Organic) for broilers, turkeys, barbary and pekin duck, geese, quail, ostriches, pigeons and game birds (pheasants, partridges)
trace elements plants

To secure gut health

  • We prevent digestive disorders and maintain growth performance with complexes of natural solutions
  • Formulation of selected additives, validated in our trial houses
  • DEFITOX: toxin binders
  • GALLIMIX: mix of organic acids and protected plant extracts
  • GALLIMIX L3 : To acidify
  • VV3015- LAYER VITAMINS 0.05%



additifs mineraux CMV

To ensure good breeders performances

  • Nutritionnal strategy to ensure laying rate, fecondity, hatchability and chicks quality
  • Developments of premix and specific solutions adapted to differents physiologic steps of breeders
  • OPTIVITAL: antioxidants mix
  • OPTICOQUE /SHELLGUARD: enhance shell quality and sturdiness


nutrition additifs CMV

To guarantee the laying hens performances

  • We ensure laying persistence with feed formulation adapted to rearing conditions (organic, outdoors, ground, cage)
  • We ensure egg shell sturdiness and quality with selected additives
  • OPTICOLOR: yolk pigmentation and broilers skin
  • VITAPIC /VITARAID: plant extracts mix reducing red mites infestations in laying hens farms
All our solutions are infinitely customizable according to your needs. We adapt the doses and recipes to propose tailor mades products for your market. To make us your request or to have more information on our existing solutions contact us!